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Galaxy S8 and its security features

Galaxy S8 and its security features

The Samsung brand is a huge name in the smartphone market and the recent flagship smartphones launched by Samsung in the Galaxy S series are the S8 and S8 plus.
Top gaming laptops to check out in 2021

Top gaming laptops to check out in 2021

Gaming has become such a serious hobby and even a way of making money for many individuals today. If you plan on becoming a serious gamer, you should be spending money on the right gaming devices.
5 laptops you won’t need to cram into your backpack

5 laptops you won’t need to cram into your backpack

Do you find yourself rushing to work or class every morning? Hurrying to catch that bus that you always seem to miss? Stuffing your over-sized notebook into your bag as you run out the door only to have it stick out awkwardly?
Must have accessories for iPhone X

Must have accessories for iPhone X

It has been just over a couple of weeks since the iPhone X was launched as Apple’s latest flagship series. However, accessories go hand in hand with any smartphone purchase which is why here are the top must-have accessories to go with your brand new iPhone X.
Here’s what you must know about cell phone plans for family

Here’s what you must know about cell phone plans for family

Buyers always look for bargain deals. In a family these days, everyone owns a smartphone, tablet, and other devices which work on mobile networks. Cell phone carriers also make plans for everyone and that includes a plan for a family too.
The future of smartphones

The future of smartphones

Smartphones are getting better with each launch. What was once a basic smartphone is nothing compared to what is trending now. It is like a new evolution out there. The ones who have benefitted from this new evolution is the buyer.
Exploring the most eye-catching features of the Google Pixel

Exploring the most eye-catching features of the Google Pixel

Google Pixel, the latest of Google’s collection, is turning heads and for all the right reasons. Unleash the power of Google at your fingertips by exploring the coolest features of the Google Pixel.
Choosing a network that actually works

Choosing a network that actually works

Often choosing the right plan is easier in comparison to getting the right network. Whoever said that it’s just “the network” needs to think again. You do not want to get trapped in the wrong network and then regret later.
Things you must know about cell phone lookup

Things you must know about cell phone lookup

It has become very easy to lookup for a person or a number online. One of the popular searches made online is for listings belonging to particular numbers. This method of looking up people using a cell phone number only is called reverse lookup as compared to other cell phone lookup practices which are used for looking up a person’s cell phone number using details like name and address.
Get your free government cell phone in 5 easy steps

Get your free government cell phone in 5 easy steps

Need to apply for a free government cell phone? Well, here are some steps on how you can get it: Step 1: Check your eligibility Before you apply for your free government cell phone, make sure that you are eligible for it.
5 best flip phones

5 best flip phones

Flip phones are not a thing of the past. They are best to use when you need a basic phone for simply talking and texting. Here are our five best picks:
Tips to choose the best smartphone for gaming

Tips to choose the best smartphone for gaming

Gaming smartphones are different from standard ones as they come with features required to run the top mobile games. While choosing the best gaming smartphones, there are so many things to consider.