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5 natural ways to keep your nails healthy

5 natural ways to keep your nails healthy

5 natural ways to keep your nails healthy If you ignore your nails, you may end up having an issue or two. The first thing that you might want to do is to start taking care of your nails and use kitchen-based ingredients that might solve the nail problem.
5 areas where rubber mats are useful

5 areas where rubber mats are useful

When you want to keep the place spic and span, you can rely on rubber mats. You can use them anywhere and everywhere, right from the bedroom to the office.
6 healthy habits to keep cold and flu at bay

6 healthy habits to keep cold and flu at bay

Taking good care of yourself is one of the best ways to maintain perfect health. The healthy habits that you follow will have a significant effect on the state of your health and immunity in the long run.
5 myths on cold and flu busted

5 myths on cold and flu busted

The season of infections is here, and before you get under the weather, it’s best to follow a hygienic routine and build a strong immunity to wipe off any viruses that might harm you.
5 types of systemic therapies involved in advanced metastatic breast cancer treatment

5 types of systemic therapies involved in advanced metastatic breast cancer treatment

Breast cancer is called metastatic when it originates in the breast and then spreads to other parts of the body: bones, lungs, liver, and sometimes the brain. Treating breast cancer involves a combination of several different therapies, which include hormonal, radiation, and others.
5 common ways to prevent bone marrow cancer

5 common ways to prevent bone marrow cancer

Bone marrow cancer is one of the most unpredictable types of cancer. The cancerous cells develop inside the soft tissue of the bone. This type of cancer is regarded as one of the most difficult cancer treatments with low recovery rates.
5 simple and effective home remedies for acne

5 simple and effective home remedies for acne

We all have been riddled with acne at some point or the other in our lives. Right from the time we hit the puberty, our hormones start affecting the body.
4 symptoms that indicate IBS

4 symptoms that indicate IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome, abbreviated as IBS, affects about 25 to 45 million Americans every year and the affected ones are mostly women. The most vulnerable period to get affected by IBS is late teens to the early 40s.
5 effective diet tips to combat IBS

5 effective diet tips to combat IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), associated with symptoms like constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, or diarrhea, can be a regular hindrance to your day-to-day activities and can be extremely uncomfortable. However, an individual stands a great chance to improve and manage this problem through proper food.
5 diseases caused by the onset of IBS

5 diseases caused by the onset of IBS

IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is a functional bowel disorder that affects 25-45 million Americans. A maximum number of people getting affected by IBS are women and people usually suffer from this syndrome in their late teens to their early 40s.
6 Popular aluminium storm doors to watch out for

6 Popular aluminium storm doors to watch out for

A storm door not only protects against the weather outside but also provides ventilation. Although many manufacturers sell pre-hung doors in a kit which makes for an easy installation, a door customized to your needs of size and style adds charm to the exteriors.
4 strategic tips for first time home buyers

4 strategic tips for first time home buyers

Buying your first house is undoubtedly a bittersweet thing. Though you are on cloud nine to finally own a place you can call your own, the unfamiliar lingo of the real estate world and the multiple visits to the bank for mortgage approval is nevertheless daunting and unpleasant.