Where to find cheap Samsung Galaxy Note phones
As the Android versus Apple debate continues, you would be already aware of the fact that there are better deals with larger options and higher discounts on Android phones compared to iPhone deals. While there are plenty of prepaid contracts available with Android phones, you may consider a particular reason to pick your choice of phone. If you are not conscious about the brand or the phone specifications and want to get a cellphone just so to meet your needs of a prepaid phone, you can be watchful to find ageing phone models for less than $15. But if you are an Android fan, the most likely choice you will make would be of Samsung phones.

- Target and best buy offer gift cards of up to $300, whose offers are available on Verizon, AT&T or Sprint services including the coral blue and deep sea blue.
- The unlocked versions of these S8 phones are aggressively priced and can be traded in for even up to $350 off at official e-bay stores on certain Samsung phones prepaid cell services.
The most recent aggressive deal that we can recollect is that of which the Samsung phones prepaid cell were sold by T-Mobile during the Black Friday sale in November 2017. Here, if 2 numbers of Galaxy S8 were bought together, each would be available for $325 per piece. Additionally, they a memory card, cover and Netflix subscription of 6-months were bundled together.