A quick guide to the different kinds of headphones available
With headphones having become a part of your daily life, the big question arises as to what kind of headphones are ideal for you. There is no rule that you need to be an audio perfectionist to decide what is the best head phone. Given below are some important and useful information that will help you choose the perfect headphone for yourself.
1 . Ear bud Headphones: These headphones are called simply Earbuds. They have created a revolution in the world of technology when they replaced bulky headphones that were prevalent earlier. Their excellent portability and small footprint have broken their sales records across the globe.

• Falling out of the ears often
• Not an excellent fit inside the ears
• Are not effective enough to block outside sounds completely.
• Sometimes can be quite painful for the ears.
2. In-the-ear headphones: These are the in trend these days. Most smart phones come with these headphones. They are extremely tiny and light weight that makes them convenient to use.
3. On-the-ear headphones: This kind of headphones that position themselves on your outer ear are known as “on-ear headphones.” They are designed with a completely closed rear and are ideal for indoor as well as outdoor usage.
• Does not block outside noise effectively
• Triggers irritation and heating of ears with continuous use for long hours
• The foam padding present in the ear cups becomes moist when the ears start sweating.
4. Over-the-ear headphones: They give an impression of being huge at the first glance. Since they cover ear completely, they block outside sounds completely. They are ideal for continuous use as the diagram is designed at a considerable distance from the ear canal. Sound quality is excellent. These headphones are of two kinds namely
• Open Back Headphones
• Closed Back Headphones
5. In-ear-canal-headphones: These headphones position themselves deep inside the ear canal. Bass is of excellent quality and sound enters deep right inside the ear drums directly providing wonderful noise isolation. The drawbacks are:
• They are not comfortable for all users
• Cannot be used for long periods
• Top quality products are extremely expensive.
These are just some of the various varieties of headphones that will guide you choose the prefect one for your personal use.